Shortbreads au citron

J’ai toujours adoré les shortbreads, ces petits sablés anglais qui accompagnent parfaitement une bonne tasse de thé.
Je vous en propose aujourd’hui une version au citron, ultra facile à faire, vous aurez forcément énormément d’amis une fois que vous aurez fait la recette !

Pour une quinzaine de sablé :
-240 g de farine
-160 g de beurre demi sel
-80 g de sucre
-Le zeste d’un citron bio

-Commencez par versez la farine et le sucre dans un saladier, Ajoutez-y le zeste de citron bio.
-Ajoutez-y le beurre froid coupé en petits cubes et sablez le mélange du bout de vos doigts.
-Façonnez une boule avec la pate et plongez la pour former un rouleau
-Découpez y des tranches, déposer là sur une plaque recouverte de papier sulfurisé. Et enfourner pour 10 à 15 minutes dans un four préchauffé à 180°.
-Ils doivent rester bien blanc
-La pâte sera souple à la sortie du four, mais durcira ensuite
-Laissez bien refroidir, puis conservez les plusieurs jours dans une boîte hermétique

Vous aimerez peut-être


  1. I’ve always loved the shortbreads, those little English shortbreads like yours that perfectly accompany a good cup of tea.

    • Carlito Savannah

      8 janvier

      Nous avions tout ce que nous voulions en tant que famille, sauf une bonne santé. Je devais le faire au profit de ceux qui doutent encore de l’efficacité des vrais médicaments à base de plantes, tout comme mon père en doutait quand j’ai appris que le Dr WHITE était capable de guérir le virus de l’herpès. Contrairement à maman, papa est un (RACISTE) qui n’a jamais cru que quelque chose de bon pouvait venir de la nation noire. J’étais belle et aventureuse, mais quand j’ai eu une infection herpétique qui s’est propagée dans mon corps comme un grand incendie à un moment où papa luttait contre le VIH, c’était comme un nuage noir couvrant ma famille. Pendant de nombreuses années, j’ai souffert de douleur et de honte. J’ai décidé de surfer sur Internet pour une cure alternative qui m’a conduit au Dr WHITE WhatsApp +2349091844595 un herboriste et guérisseur puissant mais humble qui a promis de me guérir et a tenu ses paroles. Cet homme est un autre papa d’une autre nation. Au début, j’étais sceptique, je lui ai posé des questions pertinentes et non pertinentes, mais il a été patient pour prouver à mes médecins et à mon père qu’il n’y avait pas de remède. Haven a pris toutes les dispositions; il a préparé et m’a envoyé le remède par le service de courrier express que j’ai reçu à la porte. Dans les 2 semaines suivant l’utilisation de sa cure, mes symptômes avaient disparu et j’allais bien à nouveau même si la prescription était d’un mois. Tout cela grâce au Dr White qui a placé l’intégrité et la sympathie humaine au-dessus des choses matérielles. J’avais lu de nombreux témoignages de ceux qui ont bénéficié des médicaments du Dr WHITE, cela m’a effectivement incité à lui écrire mais aujourd’hui je suis sans herpès et papa est séronégatif, j’ai vu mon cas et j’ai été convaincu d’utiliser la phytothérapie. Remerciements célestes au Dr WHITE pour avoir restauré notre joie. Carlito Savane

    • Phyn MARCELO

      8 janvier

      Marcelo est mon nom de naissance []. Vraiment la nature peut tout guérir. Je peux dire cela commodément parce que j’ai emprunté cette route, j’ai été entre le diable et la mer d’un bleu profond, j’ai vu le mal et le laid en essayant de réparer ma vie malgré le nombre de fois où j’ai échoué j’étais encore déterminé à obtenir la guérison parce que j’étais jeune et que j’avais des personnes à charge. Les médecins m’ont dit d’apprendre à partir avec des démangeaisons, des douleurs et des brûlures et de continuer à prendre mes pilules même lorsqu’elles me dépriment. J’ai décidé d’exploiter davantage en bourrant internet et en faisant des recherches. J’ai lu d’excellents témoignages du Dr White {DRWHITETHEHIVHEALER@GMAIL.COM} Publiés par un survivant sincère dans un quotidien national. Étant un herboriste au grand cœur, l’homme que j’appellerai toujours papa et sauveur, nous avons discuté et il a juré de me sauver à condition que je parle de lui aux autres, après quoi il m’a envoyé le remède par courrier à utiliser deux fois par jour pendant 3 semaines. Ma seule difficulté était que l’un des médicaments était assez amer, mais n’abandonnez pas tout espoir maintenant, gardez la foi, cet homme est oint par le plus haut pour aider à mettre fin à votre HERPES, d’autres VIRUS comme le VIH et l’HÉPATITE, le CANCER et les infections BACTÉRIENNES. Envoyez-lui un e-mail aujourd’hui ou Watsapp +2349091844595 et remerciez le ciel par la suite. Traversez le tunnel, il promet de donner de la lumière à la fin.


      21 janvier


      I read so many stories about bitcoin loss to scams. I will like to start by saying the agencies responsible for bitcoin security has really done nothing to help locate stolen or lost coins. In my situation my MacBook was hacked by someone that had access to my emails, i immediately contacted blockchain and they only wasted my time, after which i worked towards getting help else where, i was referred to consult a bitcoin expert who helped track and retrieved my 3.3 btc, for an agreed fee. I was more than grateful and willing to pay more after the job was done. Thankful i didn’t fall victim and would like to recommend ( MORRIS GRAY 830 @ G maiL . COM )

  2. aryne

    25 novembre

    great recipe;thanks for sharing

  3. nassim

    26 avril

    nice article keep posting

  4. I like such topics.

  5. I like such topics.Thank you

  6. nassim

    12 mai

    Verry good Content For Reading

  7. simon

    23 mai

    beautiful post

  8. I’ve never had such an eloquent description for what I do.

  9. Much to think about

  10. ziane

    20 juin

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  11. nassim

    12 septembre

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    good luck for everbody

  12. Messeguem

    11 octobre

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  13. warda M

    11 octobre

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  14. Warda Mess

    11 octobre

    Excellent post

  15. HIBA mess

    11 octobre

    it is very helpful article

  16. nassim

    16 octobre

    That’s great info , thanks for sharing!!

  17. Iam loving this, and thanks for sharing

  18. very good thanks

  19. amroune

    18 avril

    great work….

  20. Recette délicieuse Merci pour les efforts fournis

  21. amroune

    18 avril

    Lezzetli tarif….

  22. goooooooood

  23. gooooooooooooood

  24. goooooooooood

  25. شكرا جزيلا

  26. soundos

    9 janvier

    Verry good Content For sharing!

  27. thanks for this

  28. Roberto Mayor

    6 juillet

    Tous mes remerciements à M. Anderson Carl pour m’avoir aidé avec mes bénéfices et rendu possible mon cinquième retrait. Je suis ici pour partager avec vous une incroyable opportunité qui change la vie. c’est ce qu’on appelle les options de trading Bitcoin / Forex. c’est une entreprise très lucrative qui peut vous rapporter jusqu’à 2 570 $ en une semaine à partir d’un investissement initial de seulement 200 $. Je suis la preuve vivante de cette formidable opportunité commerciale. Si quelqu’un est intéressé par le trading sur bitcoin ou toute autre crypto-monnaie et souhaite un échange réussi sans perdre, informez-en M. Anderson Carl maintenant sur Whatsapp : +1(252)285-2093 Email :

  29. Wagner Clerk

    10 août

    Tous mes remerciements à M. Anderson Carl pour m’avoir aidé avec mes bénéfices et rendu possible mon cinquième retrait. Je suis ici pour partager avec vous une incroyable opportunité qui change la vie. c’est ce qu’on appelle les options de trading Bitcoin / Forex. c’est une entreprise très lucrative qui peut vous rapporter jusqu’à 2 570 $ en une semaine à partir d’un investissement initial de seulement 200 $. Je suis la preuve vivante de cette formidable opportunité commerciale. Si quelqu’un est intéressé par le trading sur bitcoin ou toute autre crypto-monnaie et souhaite un échange réussi sans perdre, informez-en M. Anderson Carl maintenant sur Whatsapp : +1(252)285-2093 Email :

  30. soundos

    3 octobre

    Thank you for sharing such an informative blog

  31. MacKenzie Scott

    10 novembre

    I want to testify about MARTINS HACKERS blank ATM cards which can withdraw money from any ATM machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how MARTINS HACKERS send them the ATM blank card and use it to collect money in any ATM machine and become rich. ( ) I email them also and they sent me the blank ATM card. I have use it to get 100,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. MARTINS HACKERS is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM machine vault with the use of ATM programmed card which runs in automatic mode.

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    14 décembre

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    1 janvier

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    7 janvier

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  35. Best Crypto Recovery’s Experts/RecoveryMasters

    My experience of online scamming took seconds and cost me thousands. I was fooled by a YouTube video that convinced me that I could make a killing in Crypto, and the minute I clicked the link and deposited funds, I knew something was up, but it was too late. I worked with Recovery Masters, and they were so helpful and supportive, and in the end, it took a few days, I got almost all of the money back. It wouldn’t have been possible for me to meet up economically because I almost invested all my money but all thanks to RecoveryMasters with their genius effort to help me recover my already stolen currency. Please ensure also to consult if you need such help: RecoveryMasters via email: ( or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  36. Karin

    3 mars

    C’est un jour très joyeux de ma vie à cause de l’aide que le docteur WEALTHY m’a apportée en m’aidant à récupérer mon ex avec son sort puissant, et le travail de grossesse qu’il a fait, je lui en suis très reconnaissant Merci beaucoup Dr WEALTHY pour le excellent travail que vous avez fait. Maintenant, je peux dire avec audace que j’ai été rappelé sur mon lieu de travail, ma fille est de retour à la maison et j’ai été testée enceinte ce matin après le texte médical que j’ai parcouru ce matin sur mon lieu de travail. A été enceinte pour la dernière fois il y a 14 ans et maintenant je suis testé positif. Je veux utiliser ce médium pour dire merci beaucoup et je viendrai personnellement vous remercier. Vous pouvez lui envoyer un e-mail et il peut faire plus pour vous aussi parce que je sais qu’il y a des gens qui ont besoin de son aide comme moi. Son adresse e-mail est ( ) Son portable : +2348105150446 Tu es si puissant. C’est pour les vraies personnes dans le besoin. MERCI DR WEALTHY.

  37. Anik Susiawati

    6 mars

    Invest with 200EUR and get a returns of 5,000EUR within seven business working days.

    Why wasting your precious time online looking for a loan? When there is an opportunity for you to invest with 200EUR and get a returns of 5,000EUR within seven business working days. Contact us now for more information if interested on how you can earn big with just little amount. This is all about investing into Crude Oil and Gas Business.


  38. Benson Mary

    11 mars

    When I lost my money to online scammers through crypto investment, I never thought I could ever retrieve back my money again but I decided to give it a try after my Inlaw introduced me to this incredible honest hacker that she had worked with to retrieve back her bitcoin when she mistakenly sent it to a wrong wallet address when trying to make payment to someone, so when I brought up the issue of me loosing money to an online investment in a dinner at my place she was curious to hear how it happened and it turned out she still had the hackers contact which she provided me with later on, I reached out to them the next morning and provided the transaction hash, wallet address of the scammers and the website, I was surprised after receiving the first half of my money within just 48 hours and the rest is being traced back to the second wallet address I made payment to, Jamesmckaywizard and his team brought back my hope of living back to life because I never thought of what I could have done if I wasn’t able to recover this money back, this includes my retirement funds, I’m so grateful to the team for their effort and good service, if you’re encountering same issue kindly reach out to them on the provided details bellow:

    What’s App:+91 98632 93475

  39. My humble regards to everyone reading comments on this platform and a great thanks to the admin who made this medium a lively one whereby everyone can share an opinion, I am Mrs. Beate Heister, from New York, United states. I’m a nurse by profession, I had a serious health issue that took me 8 months to get back to work, during this period of eight months I came across an advert with a lot of good comments under the trading broker platform. I was very interested so I decided to contact the trading platform and invest with them, after my first deposit I was told there is an increase in buying stocks so I had to send another funds and this whole thing continued for a good 6 months. before I could realize I was already bankrupt when I discovered that I have been scammed for a total sum of three hundred and fifty seven thousand dollars, I tried to get some recommended hackers online but I ended up getting scammed of an additional thirty-five thousand dollars, it hurts me so much, I already gave it up but then I came in contact with web site and Email: (INFO @ WIZARDWIERZBICKI. COM) who I also message directly via WhatsApp(+1) (845)207? 8532 and he responded to me urgently and helped me to get back all my funds, everything was sent to me at once.  Wierzbicki Programmer proves to me that scammed crypto can be recovered. All thanks to Genius Recovery Advocate WhatsApp:+18452078532 Email: WIZARDWIERZBICKIPROGRAMMER@GMAIL.COM  website: wizardwierzbicki .com There is no shame in becoming a scam victim of one of these sophisticated and predatory operations. By reporting you may be able to recover some or all your lost funds and prevent the scammers from targeting others. Their approach relies on working closely with forensic accountants and other experts, as well as law They have an excellent track record of holding scammers accountable, including asset freezes,  Do not let scammers get away with your hard-earned cash, look for ways to recover your stolen funds To recover your Scammed funds back to your bank account or to your bitcoin wallet address also to Clear or Erase Criminal Records 

  40. Excellent post

  41. Recovery Intel

    28 mars

    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our hacking team as soon as you can via the email address below to schedule a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.

    Stay Safe !

  42. Tim Falicien

    28 mars

    Wardrivers cyber revolves around the idea that hacking is a technique to approach issues that no one else has ever considered. I believe they are the finest at completing any hacking task.
    With the use of Wardrivers cyber hacking services, we were able to find the culprit who had been using his cell phone to steal from the company’s account after there has been so much missing money from my company’s bank account. When I hired Wardrivers, they requested just the information about my workers and with this information, we were able to identify the culprit through our cell phone digital records. Wardrivers are indeed a very good hacking group for all your hacking services.

    Contact Info: Wardriverscyberservice@techie . com


    11 avril


    I’m truly appreciative After I accidentally moved money via my Coinbase to the wrong wallet, I was sent to HACKANGEL, a cryptocurrency recovery specialist, who was able to retrieve the cryptocurrency I lost. After sending $71,000 worth of Bitcoins to the incorrect wallet address a few weeks ago, I initially feared I had lost everything. But, as I was going crazy, a buddy of mine recommended HACKANGEL, who was able to track down and retrieve my cryptos. This group is incredibly helpful and reliable, and I am sincerely appreciative of their wonderful service. If you lost your cryptocurrency to scammers.You can easily get in touch with them by email at ( or
    WhatsAP +1 2,0,3,3,0,9,.3,3,5,9

    When you contact him don’t forget to say Ursula Boulton recommended you

  44. Nina Hoss

    17 avril

    Recovery of Stolen Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Binary, Forex contact Recovery Masters

    What do scammer gain in hurting people by taking away their hard earned money and hijacking servers, why do they always keep on doing this, I lost a friend of mine as a result of scammers, she died cause she could not withstand it and same thing almost happened to me but luckily enough I was able to come across Recovery Masters  » (  » a special group of experts in cryptocurrency and btc recovery whom they helped me get back my funds and were also able to track down the Fraudsters location. here is their WhatsApp: +1(551) 202-23-35 )


  45. Nina Hoss

    17 avril

    Recovery of Stolen Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Binary, Forex contact Recovery Masters

    What do scammer gain in hurting people by taking away their hard earned money and hijacking servers, why do they always keep on doing this, I lost a friend of mine as a result of scammers, she died cause she could not withstand it and same thing almost happened to me but luckily enough I was able to come across Recovery Masters  » (  » a special group of experts in cryptocurrency and btc recovery whom they helped me get back my funds and were also able to track down the Fraudsters location. here is their WhatsApp: +1(551) 202-23-35 )

  46. Tommy Latham

    4 mai


    My wife and I lost $313,000 Btc to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform A few months Ago, We had made an investment with an online broker who pretended to work with an investment Firm that helped traders and he literally promised huge profits who at the end scammed us and wasn’t even responding to our messages. This really hit us hard to a point my wife had suicidal thoughts. Fortunately for us,An old family friend who previously worked with my wife Referred us to this Recovery Masters. As they refer to themselves,They checked on our case and assured us our funds were recoverable.Their services and responses were professional and satisfying. They were able to recover $273,500 Btc We really appreciated them for their help, although not all the funds were recovered. Incase you need their services,
    Email them through (Recoverymasters @

  47. Christina Strickland

    6 mai

    A few months ago, I stumbled upon a post about a cryptocurrency investment platform that I thought was a good idea at that time to invest in crypto, I didn’t realize I was being catfished by the cryptocurrency investment manager who promised me huge returns on my investment. I lost my capital of $470,000 and interest without receiving any profits in return. I was depressed and had no idea how to move forward. I told my colleague at work about it and I was referred to Astraweb Cyber Service, a cryptocurrency recovery company. I provided all the information about the scam to them, and Astraweb was able to recover my funds within 72 hours. I’m truly grateful for their help and I want to recommend their service to everyone affected by these cryptocurrency scams. You can reach Astraweb via E-Mail: ASTRAWEB@CYBERDUDE. COM

  48. Recovery Intel

    16 mai


    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
    asorehackcorp @ gmail com

    Stay Safe out there !

  49. ROMY

    24 mai

    SAUVEZ VOTRE MARIAGE SI VOUS AIMEZ VOTRE MARI OU VOTRE EX AMANT. si je refuse de partager ce témoignage c’est que je suis égoïste envers moi-même et envers les personnes que j’aime tant et qui pourraient avoir des problèmes similaires, mon mari est parti après un petit malentendu et n’est jamais revenu à la maison au début j’ai cru que c’était une blague il m’a laissé pour sa maîtresse à l’extérieur, tout cela s’est passé en septembre je partage ce témoignage car Noël approche à grands pas et sera une très mauvaise fête si vous ne le passez pas avec vos proches, tant d’hommes vivront leur femme et fêteront Noël avec leur petite amie, je me suis plaint à ma très bonne amie, elle m’a dit qu’elle avait un tel problème dans son mariage jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit présentée au DR PADMAN, un médecin spécialiste spécialisé dans le retour des foyers brisés et des mariages brisés. DR PADMAN m’a jeté un sort dans Le 2 décembre, étonnamment, mon mari est rentré à la maison le 6 décembre en s’excusant que je devrais lui pardonner que cela ne se reproduise plus jamais. avec cela, je n’oublierai jamais DR PADMAN qui a sauvé mon mariage son adresse de contact est WhatsApp +12018346111 vous pouvez toujours sauver votre mariage si vous aimez vraiment votre mari

  50. ROMY

    24 mai

    SAUVEZ VOTRE MARIAGE SI VOUS AIMEZ VOTRE MARI OU VOTRE EX AMANT. si je refuse de partager ce témoignage c’est que je suis égoïste envers moi-même et envers les personnes que j’aime tant et qui pourraient avoir des problèmes similaires, mon mari est parti après un petit malentendu et n’est jamais revenu à la maison au début j’ai cru que c’était une blague il m’a laissé pour sa maîtresse à l’extérieur, tout cela s’est passé en septembre je partage ce témoignage car Noël approche à grands pas et sera une très mauvaise fête si vous ne le passez pas avec vos proches, tant d’hommes vivront leur femme et fêteront Noël avec leur petite amie, je me suis plaint à ma très bonne amie, elle m’a dit qu’elle avait un tel problème dans son mariage jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit présentée au DR PADMAN, un médecin spécialiste spécialisé dans le retour des foyers brisés et des mariages brisés. DR PADMAN m’a jeté un sort dans Le 2 décembre, étonnamment, mon mari est rentré à la maison le 6 décembre en s’excusant que je devrais lui pardonner que cela ne se reproduise plus jamais. avec cela, je n’oublierai jamais DR PADMAN qui a sauvé mon mariage son adresse de contact est WhatsApp +12018346111 vous pouvez toujours sauver votre mariage si vous aimez vraiment votre mari,

  51. jacob

    25 mai

    They are heartless scammers, they ruined my life, by making me develop interest to invest my hard earned money. I deposited 10.7850 euros in June 2020, which was later turned to 98,908.00 euros including my pay out bonus, there was an impressive improvement in few days, 2 months later I had a car accident and needed money to pay my insurance access, Suddenly I was sent from Pillar to post, i tried reaching out to them to collect the money i invested to pay off my debts, they cut the live chats and got harassed from 1 to the other, until they told me I will forever be poor, then i realized that i was being scammed. I just wanted my money back! I was advised by a friend to seek for help from a recovery management to assist me recover my invested funds, God so kind i was able to reach out to a recovery guru BY      or what’sapp +17577443549  , i was able to recover my funds with the help of Mr LEONALDMCCALLWIZARD he’s an expert on crypto/forex and bitcoin
    recovery, I feel obligated to recommend him and his team, their recovery strategies, and for working relentlessly to help recover my funds. Feel free to reach out to him via his email address:
     or whatsapp +17577443549,   and will guide you on how to recover your invested capital, i advise everyone to becareful with these heartless stealing people…

  52. Suzanne Borel

    25 mai

    Je veux partager avec vous tous comment un homme bon avec un lanceur de sorts a restauré mon mariage après 1 an de rupture, je le voulais si désespérément. Un de mes amis m’a parlé de ce puissant lanceur de sorts qui l’a aidée dans le passé sur Instagram. Je l’ai contacté et il a promis de me rendre mon ex. Fidèle à ses pouvoirs spirituels, il a ramené mon mari. Mon mari est venu me voir et s’est excusé pour les torts qu’il a commis et a promis de ne plus jamais le refaire, à toute personne ayant des problèmes conjugaux, des problèmes de divorce, des problèmes commerciaux, un amant perdu ou toute relation liée problèmes, contactez-le, padmanlovespell@yahoo. com WhatsApp + 1 2 0 1 8 3 4 6 1 1 1

  53. Hussain Al Saidely

    31 mai

    Hi everyone, I am Hussain Al-Saidely a Journalist from Kuwait and I just want to say thanks to Mr. Abdur Rahman Representative of Sawda Capital Finance for giving me a loan of $1,050,000.00 It has been hard for me to obtain a loan from the internet I have been deceived by different international lenders online. Till I found a man who was testifying about Sawda Capital Finance then I take the address and follow all their instruction although I never believed, to my greatest surprise my loan was transferred to my bank account, I never lost anything, Inshallah everything was possible as I want it,
    I am now a luxury homeowner here in Kuwait City through their 3% interest rate loan funds and I have vowed to spread this news as a Journalist and also tell the world about them.

    Contact them today.

    Company Name: Sawda Capital Finance


  54. Loyle carer

    3 juin


    Hey guys it’s Loyle Carner, a UK rapper.
    Do you need help in; retrieving stolen bitcoin, recovering scammed bitcoin, reporting a bitcoin scammer to reclaim crypto? There is only one way to go about recovering your lost money. You should hire a bitcoin recovery Master or funds recovery Master to help recover money lost to binary options forex, and bitcoin cryptocurrency scams. contact RecoveryMasters via email )

    WhatsApp +1(551) 202-23-35

  55. Tom Hulio

    8 juin

    I have always thought it would be impossible to recover stolen cryptocurrency funds until I came across SpyWall recovery team, this cryptocurrency recovery team was able to successfully recover my stolen Bitcoin and Ethereum funds.
    I was one of the many victims of a crypto scam and I lost my entire family savings trying to double it.
    It was a very difficult time for me and my family, I was depressed and gave up hope of ever getting my money back. A few weeks ago, I came across a post while searching for clues on Google on how to recover my cryptocurrency, I saw a recommendation about SpyWall and how they were able to effectively recover cryptocurrency funds for many scam victims. I didn’t hesitate to contact them and provide them with all the information, SpyWall was able to recover my funds within two days. I’m truly grateful for their service and I promised them I would recommend them to others like me.
    You can easily reach them via

    SpyWall is no doubt the best when it comes to recovering cryptocurrency funds.

  56. Anik Susiawati

    8 juillet

    Do you need a debt settlement loan to pay off your bills? Want to control your debt today? Business loan extension offer now? Do you need a loan to pay off a bill? Do you need a loan? Do you need a personal loan? Loan for business expansion? Business Start Up, Education, Debt Consolidation Loan for Hard Money Loan for Anything? We offer a loan without a credit check with a low interest rate of 2% of the loan, Email: ( )

  57. Jacqueline Ashley

    11 juillet

    What a wonderful world we are living in, I still doubt this spell caster how he did it!!! I am so happy to let the whole world know how this powerful spell caster saved my marriage.Everything was going down the drain as my husband could not stop cheating on me with other women. It became used to always heating on me. I tried to make him stop, but I couldn’t help the situation, the more I tried, the harder it became. At times we will fight and go apart for some months and we will come back again just because of our kids. One day a friend told me about this spell caster who helped her too, his name is Dr.oku, she said he uses white magic spells to solve spiritual problems. I decided to give it a try, I contacted him and he told me it will take just 2 to 3 days and I will see great changes in my husband. He actually cast a spell, believe me after 2 to 3 days of the spell, my husband was confessing different names of women he has slept with. He begged for forgiveness and never to try it again. From that day till now, my mind is at rest. My husband dislikes every other woman on earth except me. And am so happy to have him for myself alone.The spell caster’s contact is or add him on whatsapp +2348163425519

  58. Albert Laura

    19 juillet

    I happened to fall for a crypto currency scam trick Late last year.Through a phishing scam, a Facebook imposter convinced me of how I would gain a large sum of profit from an authorized crypto company that he claimed helped traders invest and gain large profits. They ripped me of and made a way off with $114000 woth of crypto.I was in disbelief and discomfort as this was my hard earned funds.After reading positive articles and online testimonies about a licensed group of Jeanson James Ancheta wizard of how they are experts in crypto/btc recovery and any form of hacking.After hitting a conversation with them,they were able to recover back my funds.As a form of appreciation this was the best I could do for them. Contact; Email ( or reach them through;WhatsApp number: +4531898073 or Telegram number: +4571398534; Don’t forget to mention Albert referred you.

  59. Robert Dench

    25 juillet

    what’s up everybody, It’s Robert Dench From UK. Here, anyone seeking to recover any form of crypto coins and financial assets from online scams or wallet hackers ,or BTC sent to wrong addresses?, I recommend this very dependable hacker, RecoveryMasters. This recovery specialist is fantastic, they Helped me recover my BTC Back, after i lost so much coins to those evil con-artists who claimed to be recovery experts, but after provided all relative information and necessary requirements to this recovery specialist Hacker Recovery Masters, out of 1.9BTC which was stolen from my wallet account, a total of 1.8138 BTC was finally recovered . I was so glad, I was able to recover this much after losing even more to those devils I contacted before I came in contact with this GOD SENT, RecoveryMasters, I really don’t know what best way to express my gratitude.
    So go ahead!!!, Learn More at ( ) if you are in such a situation seeking recovery from any form of online cryptocurrency scam , Explain incidence and follow their instructions so they can help you with recuperation. You can Email them at ( or WhatsApp them on +1(204) 819-55-05 For help….

  60. Nice post

  61. Jacqueline Ashley

    13 août

    What a wonderful world we are living in, I still doubt this spell caster how he did it!!! I am so happy to let the whole world know how this powerful spell caster saved my marriage.Everything was going down the drain as my husband could not stop cheating on me with other women. It became used to always heating on me. I tried to make him stop, but I couldn’t help the situation, the more I tried, the harder it became. At times we will fight and go apart for some months and we will come back again just because of our kids. One day a friend told me about this spell caster who helped her too, his name is Dr.oku, she said he uses white magic spells to solve spiritual problems. I decided to give it a try, I contacted him and he told me it will take just 2 to 3 days and I will see great changes in my husband. He actually cast a spell, believe me after 2 to 3 days of the spell, my husband was confessing different names of women he has slept with. He begged for forgiveness and never to try it again. From that day till now, my mind is at rest. My husband dislikes every other woman on earth except me. And am so happy to have him for myself alone.The spell caster’s contact is or add him on whatsapp +2348163425519

  62. Ruth fay

    29 août

    God bless DR.AKHIGBE for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES VIRUS since 2015 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about DR.AKHIGBE how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as instructed, in 2 weeks i was totally cured. if you need herbal cure contact dr.akhigbe on his WhatsAPP number: +2349021374574 because he has a solution to all your problems. Email  

  63. John Goodman

    11 septembre

    I was in total dismay when I lost my entire savings investing in cryptocurrency, I was contacted online by a lady through email pretending to be an account manager of a bank, who told me I could make double my savings through cryptocurrency investment, I never imagined it would be a scam and I was going to lose everything. It went on for weeks until I realized that I have been scammed. All hope was lost, I was devastated and broke, fortunately for me, I came across an article on my local bulletin about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, I contacted them and provided all the information regarding my case, I was amazed at how quickly they recovered my cryptocurrency funds and was able to trace down those scammers. I’m truly grateful for their service and I recommend them to everyone who needs to recover their funds urge you to contact them if you have lost your bitcoin USDT or ETH through bitcoin investment


    WhatsApp +1 (740) 688-0116

    Call: +1 (805) -386-9670

  64. Barkley Colwill

    26 septembre

    Hello everyone, I’m Barkley Cowill, I’m from Birmingham, United kingdom. I am not here to say much but just to share my experience and testimony on how it was possible for me to win 36 million euro from the Euromillions Lottery after years of trying and failing.

    I thought winning so much millions in the Lottery was by being lucky and keep playing non stop! But that wasn’t true, my dreams came true after coming across an article which could also be a testimony by a previous Lottery winner who won millions of dollars twice with the help of a spell caster, Dr Ozigidon. I was amazed and decided to contact same Spell caster.

    My life changed after contacting Dr Ozigidon for his help and his powerful Spell to help me win the Lottery. I won 36 million euro with the help of his powerful Spell just easy like a snap of my fingers. Dr Ozigidon transform my life from a Caterpillar to a butterfly I’m so grateful to him and his unique Spell.

    You can contact Dr Ozigidon via email:

    (WhatsApp +2349054750112.
    Dreams don’t just come true without an extraordinary moves..

  65. Julie Webb

    4 octobre


    I’m so delighted to be able to share this story with you all
    I put 600k USDT in an online cryptocurrency investment platform and I was scammed out of everything! All my efforts have been given up! I had obligations to my family, and I was worried that I wouldn’t keep them. I spoke with a few of my colleagues, but they were all unfavorable in their opinions. When I went online, I found a piece advertising « WIZARDLARRY, » a hacking collective with a reputation for recovering cryptocurrency, that had received a lot of favorable feedback. I decided to get in touch with them, and within a short period of time WIZARD LARRY Hacker was able to retrieve all of my stolen USDT. Being able to recover my misplaced money was incredible. This piece of writing is for everyone who has also lost money investing in cryptocurrencies. please reach out to them on

    Email address: (wizardlarry@mail. com)
    WhatsApp: +1 (205) 319-6886
    Thank me later.

  66. Willie Trunk

    7 octobre

    Today is a marvelous day, so I have to come publicly to let those who care to listen and willing to bring back their lost heart desires. I want you to know about a legitimate spell caster, Dr Ozigidon.. My name is Willie Trunk from Georgia, USA. I came here today just to testify about a legitimate spell caster, Dr Ozigidon, He helped me reunite with my ex husband after 3 years of divorce. I contacted him on Telegram (@OzigidonSpell) after reading so many testimonies of his powerful spell and within 48 hours my husband and I were reunited. Today our marriage is full of much love like we never had a divorce. I appreciate the good work of Priest Dr Ozigidon and I am recommending him with trust to everyone who wants their heart desires back or has fertility challenges. Contact his email (drozigidonhenz. spell. net @ gmail. com) With all confidence, you shall give a great testimony. Thanks to Dr Ozigidon for everything he did for me.

  67. KYLIE

    9 octobre

    Now You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection… Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless! (

    A big thanks from to DR MARIAN for helping me to restore my broken home. Inconsistency has been the order of the day in my home and marriage. My husband has had a hell of a problem and torn on my flesh ever since we started having too many misunderstandings. Some days, he just left and never returned until its past weeks. I was devastated and tried all I could to fix the problems but didn’t succeed. I had to search out for help and I was directed by a friend to contact DR MARIAN which I did. I never knew it would be possible because the problems had lingered for two whole years. DR MARIAN assured me and only told me to trust HIM and believe in having my desires granted. HE fixed my marriage with HIS powerful love reunion bond and my home is great again and my husband is with me now just 2 days after i encountered DR MARIAN and never to leave anymore. if you are also having relationship issues, Contact HIM and be 100% REST ASSURED HE can help you because he has no bad records. contact HIM via:


    Whatsapp: +2349160402535


    14 octobre

    I’d like to share a cautionary tale about falling victim to a Bitcoin mining scam. I invested $350,000 in what turned out to be a phony operation, lured by the promise of large earnings. While exploring various solutions, I stumbled across SILVERTHEC RECOVERY while devastated and uncertain about the likelihood of retrieving my lost monies. I sent a lengthy email to and ON TELEGRAM at @silverthecrecovery. spoke with a smart contract audit. I contacted their support service with distrust in my heart. Their caring and competent approach calmed me, and they went above and beyond to assist me in recovering a significant chunk of my stolen bitcoins. The impossible was made achievable through SILVERTHEC RECOVERY.

  69. Rebecca Storm

    26 octobre

    The question is, have you mastered how to keep your funds safe and secure? I was introduced to Sky Track Wizard. With their expertise, I was able to get back the Bitcoin I sent to the wrong wallet very swiftly. Confidentiality protects your newly created keys/seeds from getting into the wrong hands. I was once a victim of a Bitcoin scam but thanks to Sky Track Wizard who came to my rescue. If you have fallen victim to this already, I advise you to contact AlisterRecovery HAT

  70. Javier Cory

    3 novembre

    Crypto recovery is a specialized field that demands experience and knowledge. Professional recovery services like Technocrat Recovery have a deep understanding of blockchain technology and a wealth of experience in dealing with cybercrime. Their expertise allows them to navigate the intricate web of crypto transactions and identify the best strategies for fund recovery. Confidentiality and data security are critical when handling sensitive financial problems. Technocrat Recovery is aware of how critical it is to protect your data. They put strong security measures in place to guard your information and guarantee that your financial and personal information is kept private during the recovery process. Effective communication is the backbone of any successful recovery process. Technocrat Recovery excels in providing transparent communication, keeping me informed of every step taken and every progress made. Their timely updates gave me peace of mind and reassured me that my case was being handled with utmost care. The experience of having $30,000 stolen through crypto theft was a distressing one, but the assistance provided by Technocrat Recovery proved to be valuable.
    Get in touch with Technocrat Recovery with the below Information’s so they can assist you quickly.
    Email: technocratrecovery(@)
    WhatsApp: +1(573)356-3708

  71. Joyce Dole

    6 novembre

    I’m Joyce Dole from Richmond, Texas. I was scammed of $127,000 a few weeks ago when I was introduced to cryptocurrency investment opportunities. They locked my account and requested more money before I could access it, and that was how I realized I was being conned. I’ll advise people to be wary of these crypto investment companies as they are all out to steal from you. I was very lucky to come across a cryptocurrency recovery company Spyweb Cyber Security Service who was able to recover my money successfully without any delay. Spyweb Cyber Security Service is a professional and reliable cryptocurrency recovery company and I’m truly grateful for their service. I highly recommend them to everyone who wishes to get back their cryptocurrency funds.

    WHATS APP: +1 (323) 904 ‑ 8824

    Thank you.

  72. Ines Moench

    25 novembre

    When you entrust Lee ultimate hacker with the task of retrieving your lost Bitcoin, they take confidentiality seriously. Their team members are bound by strict non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements, ensuring that your personal and financial information remains protected at all costs. You can confide in Lee ultimate hacker with complete peace of mind. Even while losing Bitcoin can be life-threatening there is still optimism if you have Lee ultimate hacker on your side. They are the perfect partner to assist you in recovering your misplaced digital treasures because of their proven track record of successful recoveries and dedication to data protection and privacy. Thus, place your faith in Lee ultimate hacker and allow their sorcery to rescue your Bitcoin from the depths. After all, who doesn’t want their own personal Bitcoin Hacker In the field of Bitcoin recovery, Lee ultimate hacker’s services have shown to be extremely beneficial. By use of their revolutionary instruments, methods, and collaborations with legal enforcement organizations, they have effectively assisted many people, including myself, in recovering their misplaced Bitcoin. Their track record of accomplishments coupled with their dedication to maintaining confidentiality and privacy gives them the confidence to take on even the most difficult instances. Help is at hand in the form of Lee ultimate hacker. Several people just like you have had their lost Bitcoin effectively retrieved by them thanks to their amazing expertise and magical abilities.

    whatsapp +1 (203) 954-8008
    telegram +1 (626) 676-5937

  73. soundos

    27 novembre

    very nice blog

  74. Laurence Lynda

    29 novembre

    When the need for phone or Gmail hacking occurs in the digital age, when our phones and email accounts hold a multitude of private and sensitive information, it is essential to have a dependable and trustworthy company to turn to. The experts to call for all things related to phone and Gmail hacking are CyberPunk Programmers. They provide a variety of services to help you restore access to compromised accounts, recover lost data, and guarantee the protection of your digital assets thanks to their knowledge and experience. Our smartphones hold a treasure trove of personal information, and Gmail has become a digital vault, guarding our secrets and memories. But what happens when we forget our passwords, get locked out of our accounts, or lose access to important data? Cue the demand for phone and Gmail hacking services! CyberPunk Programmers steps in to help us regain control over our digital lives and ensure we never have to suffer from « tech-nesia » again. They can use a variety of tactics to assist you in getting back access to your device or recovering important data because they are well-versed in the workings of the digital world. They cover everything, from the mysterious realm of iOS phone hacking to the dark arts of Android phone hacking. For help, email

  75. Allen

    22 décembre


    Recovery of Lost Crypto; Binary options scam, Investment scams, Loans scam Etc.
    What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters?
    You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice.
    As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives.
    As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like Captain WebGenesis at  Email add (Captainwebgenesis @ hackermail. com) who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. Captain WebGenesis collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist.
    I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back.

    WhatsApp; +1 701 314 2729.
    Learn More;

  76. Recovery Intel

    8 janvier


    Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….!

    EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.

    Stay Safe out there !

  77. Howard wales

    9 janvier

    What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters?
    You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice.
    As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives.
    As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like Motivfunds Recovery at (motivfundsrecovery @ g m ail . c om), who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. Motivfunds Recovery collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist.
    I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back.

  78. I actually know how it feels and how it hurts to lose money you have worked half of your life for to invest with the thoughts of getting returns when you are retired. Throughout my years in the history of binary trading this is the worst company I’ve encountered doing business with them. These people are so rude and unfriendly after they steal from you. I learnt the hard way and I made a promise never to deal with them anymore though I had to find a way of how I can get back my money from them. After doing a lot of research on how I can get all my money back, I was able to get a lasting solution from a recovery agent, Jeanson James Ancheta wizard. We got to have a conversation after I emailed him on ( or Whats App number: +44 (7951) 389762 or +44 (7506) 216101. , he explained to me what is needed and why it was needed. I decided to take my chances with him due to my desperations. After 5 days, he emailed back with great news. I was so relieved to be able to make this much (408,000USD out of 688,000USD) of a recovery after losing much more to the phonies. If you are out there and need to recover your funds from any type of online bitcoin fraud, I urge anyone out there to contact him once you notice that the people you are investing with start to give you excuses before it’s too late.

  79. Contacting Jeanson James Ancheta wizard technical experts should be your first course of action if you find yourself in the regrettable position of losing your hard-earned Bitcoin. Our team of professionals will spend time getting to know you and determining the amount of the loss during the initial session. To build a personalized recovery plan that meets your needs, we’ll compile all the information we need. Their wizards will get to work with a thorough comprehension of your problem and state-of-the-art recuperation solutions. To recover your missing Bitcoin, they use a combination of sophisticated software techniques and human. Their team works to restore your assets to life by navigating the digital maze with technical expertise and creativity. Not only does Jeanson James Ancheta wizard continue to search for your Bitcoin after the recovery process is finished. Their specialists go above and beyond to guarantee the authenticity and reliability of the recovered funds. They authenticate the recovered Bitcoin as being yours through extensive verification procedures, and they then easily return it to the wallet of your choice. Before you know it, your Bitcoin will be back where it belongs and you’ll be back in the game. Choosing the appropriate expert support is critical in the event of a crisis where your Bitcoin is lost. We walk you through the crucial elements to take into account when choosing a Bitcoin recovery service as we conclude this essay. You should look for a partner who possesses the following traits in order to help you recover what is rightly yours: trustworthiness, dependability, and experience. Jeanson James Ancheta wizard is skilled in handling a variety of Bitcoin losses, such as lost or forgotten passwords, phishing scams, and funds that have been pilfered. They provide hope to people who have lost access to their Bitcoin due to a variety of conditions by utilizing cutting-edge tactics and technology with their skilled team. They can reached through the link below. Email Address: ( or WhatsApp number: +44 (7951) 389762 or +44 (7506) 216101.

  80. I like this blog. Thank you for sharing this information.
    Gothic Clothing


    21 janvier


    I read so many stories about bitcoin loss to scams. I will like to start by saying the agencies responsible for bitcoin security has really done nothing to help locate stolen or lost coins. In my situation my MacBook was hacked by someone that had access to my emails, i immediately contacted blockchain and they only wasted my time, after which i worked towards getting help else where, i was referred to consult a bitcoin expert who helped track and retrieved my 3.3 btc, for an agreed fee. I was more than grateful and willing to pay more after the job was done. Thankful i didn’t fall victim and would like to recommend ( MORRIS GRAY 830 @ G maiL . COM )

  82. In the land of doubts and fraud victims losing trust in humanity, Cyber Genie Hack Pro has emerged as a beacon and ray of light to those who have lost their money to various forms of fraudulent schemes. I was fortunate to have been linked to the Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery team, I was able to recover what I thought was lost forever. A global solution to crypto recovery skepticism, Cyber Genie Recovery is the best option when it comes to getting your lost or sent Bitcoin back. Tons of their clients around the globe have come to trust their efficiency in analyzing client tasks, high professionalism in private investigation, and well-structured map for recovering or tracking stolen money and forgotten wallets. Their outstanding and remarkable accomplishments laid out there got my interest. Privacy and confidentiality when dealing with Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery team are outstanding. You can trust that your sensitive data will remain confidential throughout the recovery process confidently knowing they won’t temper with any penny of yours after the recovery or after sharing with them all your data. When dealing with Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery experts, you should expect just one thing, SUCCESS!!  Buzz them via the below reaches.
    W.A.: +1 -2-5-2-512-0-3-91.
    E.mail.:  Cybergenie (@) Cyberservices (.) C0 M 

  83. I like this blog. Thank you for sharing this information.
    Goth Clothes

  84. I have the pleasure of urging everyone who has been taken advantage of to use Jeanson James Ancheta wizard to get back your stolen cryptocurrency, funds and other hacking services. He is quick and reliable. The online imposters had fooled me and made fake promises of endless profits I would make with their company little did I know that I was being scammed of my $125,000. His evaluations are incredibly positive and trustworthy. Wizard James Recovery is a certified expert in digital currencies that help victims of fraud to recoup their losses. In under 72 working hours, he recovered my wallet and all of my funds. His services are truly remarkable and I must commend them for getting my funds back from the hands of these scammers. Contact him on email:( or WhatsApp number:+44 (7440) 105166 or +44 (7506) 216101. for your recovery today.

  85. Rita Amabili

    30 janvier

    I would love to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Jeanson James Ancheta wizard for helping me recover my money back $85,000, worth of stolen cryptocurrency, at first I was not sure they will be able to help me ouI’m very excited to speak about ( or WhatsApp number: +44 (7440) 105166 : , this cyber security company was able to assist me in recovering my stolen digital funds and cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my problems and provided all the necessary information. It took them 72 hours to recover my funds and I was amazed. Without any doubt, I highly recommend Jeanson James Ancheta wizard for all your cryptocurrency recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity-related or WhatsApp number: +447529524472. I was surprised after they help out and recovered my money back, they are the best and am very grateful to them for helping me recover my money. their help Contact him on email:( or WhatsApp number: +44 (7440) 105166 or +44 (7506) 216101.

  86. Tiffany Bruner

    30 janvier

    Am so happy & fulfilled that I finally recovered all my funds that were trapped a long time ago in one trading company I invested with, All thanks to DIGITAL WEB RECOVERY which made it a success. Initially, I never liked anything crypto related but my best friend Michael encouraged me to try it out which I later did and I got a very bad result that nearly made me lose all my wealth. First, these companies will promise to give an enticing offer, but when you finally get involved they breach their initial offer. The company paid us three good times after we enrolled with them and this time we invested a huge amount and never received any more payments we sourced out several processes just to recover back our funds that were trapped but nothing worked out in our favor, but despite the difficult times we never gave up nor lost hope, because we were determined and confident in ourselves to recover our trapped funds Finally, our persistence & determination paid off as we finally met a verified and trusted fund recovery team (digital web recovery). This great team of experts left us both Amazed & speechless after their great & wonderful fund recovery for us and ever since then for more than 5 months now we have been cashing out & never experienced any issues processing our withdrawals. Quickly reach out to Digital Web Recovery Via; Telegram user@digitalwebrecovery for your quick recovery of any stuck funds trapped over a long period in any trading platform, your search for the best & trusted fund recovery team is now over because Digital Web Recovery delivers 100%.

  87. Liam Brady

    16 février


    Have you lost money to Bitcoin scams and need crypto recovery? If so, it’s essential to act fast and yet to proceed with caution. Cybercriminals who run crypto scams can hide behind anonymous Bitcoin wallets and launder money rapidly on the blockchain.

    Although it’s important to move quickly, it’s equally crucial to make the right choice with bitcoin recovery services. There are many services out there that claim to get your money back fast without any hassle. However, too many crypto scam recovery operations are no better than the bitcoin scams they claim to fight against.

    So what should you do? Contact Fastfundrecovery8 @Gmail com Or via WhatsApp +1 (903)717 -6241, immediately. They have the skills, tools, and expertise to help you get started with crypto recovery and will empower you to track down the cybercriminals holding your funds. They create thorough crypto investigation reports that will give your claim an advantage and will help authorities find the perpetrators.

    Website :

  88. Wendy Wallace

    21 février

    Je suis tellement heureux d’avoir récupéré ce que j’ai perdu à cause d’escrocs il y a quelques mois, j’ai été présenté à un agent de récupération par un vieil ami que j’ai rencontré chez Mcdonalds la semaine dernière. Je lui ai parlé du problème et de la façon dont j’avais perdu toute ma pension à cause d’escroqueries à l’investissement qui opéraient sous le nom de Finance Block. L’agent de récupération m’a demandé des preuves et des historiques de transactions, nous avons eu quelques autres briefings tout au long de la récupération jusqu’à ce que nous récupérions tout ce que j’avais perdu en moins de 13 heures, il a fallu encore 4 heures pour être déposé dans mon portefeuille personnel. C’est un sentiment très agréable de se retrouver sur la bonne voie avec la nouvelle année.
    Je laisserai tomber le contact des agents au cas où quelqu’un ici se trouverait dans une situation similaire maintenant ou demain.
    E-mail : refunddpolici(at) gmail (dot) com
    Quelle est l’application et Tél : +1 (9 7 2) 9 9 8‑2 7 5 5

  89. Claria

    2 mars


    We have a group of licensed cryptocurrency detectives at ALPHA KEY RECOVERY. The group excels at carrying out in-depth research. They classify linkages between cryptocurrency addresses and entities using sophisticated software. It helps locate mixers, similar offenders, and fiat on and off ramps.

    Everything that is created and recorded on these servers is used to provide intelligence for legal matters involving police enforcement. It facilitates the recovery of bitcoin. Additionally, it helps with ransomware, money laundering, financing of terrorism, and drug trafficking.UHJ’s thorough reports were helpful for the inquiry and were always helpful during court cases.When it comes time to prosecute and retrieve the assets, their experts will assist with the witness in court. As a result, Alpha Key Recovery
    Signal :+17276159030

  90. I would have lost all my cryptocurrency assets if not for the timely interference of Refund Policy Recovery Service, as I got recommended to them by a close friend at work after weeks of sadness and depression I finally got to retrieve my digital currency worth usd165,000 in (BTC) which got stolen by a fake broker I met on Facebook, I thought the investment project was a great one which would yield massively, but I was wrong, I’m forever grateful to Refund Policy Recovery for getting my funds back without hidden fees. if you are currently or previously being ripped off by a fake hacker/trader or investment platform and you want to retrieve your funds genuinely then Refund Policy Recovery Service is the real deal to help you, don’t get deceived by several self-acclaimed recovery agents. Get the appropriate help now by reaching out to them on What App +1 (972) 998‑2755
    Contact Email:Refunddpolici

  91. It’s disheartening to see the increasing rate of online theft targeting digital assets, which is causing potential investors to hesitate in embracing this lucrative investment opportunity. I personally experienced a loss of USD274,000 when I fell victim to a Pocket Options Broker I met online. They enticed me with the promise of substantial returns on my investment, but when I tried to access the investment website after a few weeks, I was denied entry. Despite my attempts to contact their support team, I realized I had been scammed.
    Desperate to recover my funds, I turned to the internet for solutions and came across Refund Policy Services .Their reputation for providing top-notch recovery services caught my attention. Taking a leap of faith, I reached out to him and his team and to my surprise, within 48 hours, they successfully helped me retrieve all my lost funds. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am for this exceptional service.
    If you find yourself in a similar situation, I strongly urge you to contact them on :: Refunddpolici (@) gmail (DOT ) com and WhatsApp also: +1 (972) 998‑2755 for outstanding recovery assistance .

  92. Chi è rimasto vittima di una frode può recuperare i propri soldi? Sì, potresti essere in grado di recuperare ciò che ti è stato tolto se sei caduto vittima di una frode da parte di una piattaforma di investimento non regolamentata o di qualsiasi altra truffa, ma solo se lo segnali alle autorità competenti. Con il piano giusto e la documentazione di supporto, puoi recuperare ciò che hai perso. Molto probabilmente, le persone che controllano queste piattaforme non regolamentate cercheranno di convincerti che quello che è successo ai tuoi soldi è stato un triste incidente quando, in realtà, si è trattato di una rapina altamente qualificata. Dovresti essere consapevole che ci sono risorse là fuori per aiutarti se tu o qualcuno che conosci avete vissuto una di queste circostanze. Durante la mia ricerca online, ho trovato Refundd Polici Recovery Services e mi hanno assistito nel migliore dei modi e hanno recuperato i miei beni crittografici rubati per un valore di centinaia di migliaia di dollari, che erano principalmente i risparmi di tutta la mia vita che avevo pianificato per la pensione con i documenti che avevo fornito. Si tratta di un’azienda rispettabile e seriamente impegnata nell’aiutare a recuperare risorse digitali/truffe rubate e nel ridurre la minaccia causata da questi ladri informatici non regolamentati.
    Puoi contattarli su whatapp +1 (972) 998‑2755 e inviare un’e-mail a Refunddpolici AT
    Non lasciare che gli autori di queste bufale se la cavino rovinandoti mentalmente e finanziariamente.

  93. Recovery Intel

    25 mars


    Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….!

    EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.

    Stay Safe out there !)()(

  94. Rocky Hepfner

    3 avril

    At Facebook, I connected with a crypto investment group called Capitalix fx. Every year the group manager would select their top 30 most active investors getting well engaged in the trading activities in the group and reward them accordingly through a variety of trading packages including a multi-investors package where you can invest together with a certain group to unlock a 500% profit return. Selected Investors would quickly top up their portfolio balance and alert the VPs of their group who will in turn confirm their buy-in, then we’re supposed to await the trading period of 2weeks before receiving our returns. Last year, I was among the 30 selected investors even though I was still in my first 6 months, I was quite surprised but I then It felt like an opportunity to amass more profits from the company, so I quickly gathered as much funds as I could and deposited into my account as per the companies terms and conditions. One week in and the company website shut down, i tried speaking with the group admin but she wouldn’t respond to any of my messages and she went on to remove me when i threatened to report her account. I resorted to hiring a hacking recovery company in a last ditch attempt to save my family, I had lost everything and we were now feeding from hand to mouth. As luck would have it, I came to know about a reputable and trustworthy recovery company SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM through a twitter post which quickly prompted me to get in touch with the team using one of their contacts info that I had copied from the post Email: swiftrecoveryservice006 It didn’t take long before their team responded to me and they accepted to take on my case after reviewing everything, within 48 hours the team anonymously extracted back my funds from the scammers back into my wallet, they’re my knight in shining armor and I strongly recommend them to everyone else out there. You can also reach them on WhatsApp on +1 786 684 0501

  95. Amburo Malik

    3 avril

    Ma femme et moi resterons à jamais reconnaissants envers le Dr Ilekhojie pour son intervention divine dans nos vies. Ma femme et moi avons fui la Somalie il y a quelques années. Nous sommes partis à l’étranger et la vie n’était pas facile et nous avions besoin de plus d’argent pour régler nos factures. Ma femme a fait des recherches en ligne pour obtenir de l’aide pour gagner à la loterie et elle a reçu des recommandations crédibles de son patron pour contacter le Dr Ilekhojie qui distribue les numéros gagnants à la loterie avec son rituel de bonne chance. Nous avons pris contact avec le Dr Ilekhojie qui nous a informé de la démarche que nous avons accepté d’effectuer immédiatement. Une fois le rituel de bonne chance terminé, nous avons acheté un billet pour la loterie Hospital Research Foundation Home et y avons joué exactement comme le Dr Ilekhojie nous l’avait demandé avec les numéros qu’il avait révélés. En 2 jours, nous avons gagné un appartement de 3 chambres et un montant en espèces de 700 000$. Nos vies ont changé en une semaine et, comme le Dr Ilekhojie l’a demandé, 30 % du montant a été envoyé à n’importe quelle maison de retraite pour personnes âgées afin d’aider à payer les soins aux personnes abandonnées. Vous pouvez le contacter et voir ce qui se passe. Appelez/SMS +2348147400259 ou e-mail :

  96. Amburo Malik

    3 avril

    Ma femme et moi resterons à jamais reconnaissants envers le Dr Ilekhojie pour son intervention divine dans nos vies. Ma femme et moi avons fui la Somalie il y a quelques années. Nous sommes partis à l’étranger et la vie n’était pas facile et nous avions besoin de plus d’argent pour régler nos factures. Ma femme a fait des recherches en ligne pour obtenir de l’aide pour gagner à la loterie et elle a reçu des recommandations crédibles de son patron pour contacter le Dr Ilekhojie qui distribue les numéros gagnants à la loterie avec son rituel de bonne chance. Nous avons pris contact avec le Dr Ilekhojie qui nous a informé de la démarche que nous avons accepté d’effectuer immédiatement. Une fois le rituel de bonne chance terminé, nous avons acheté un billet pour la loterie Hospital Research Foundation Home et y avons joué exactement comme le Dr Ilekhojie nous l’avait demandé avec les numéros qu’il avait révélés. En 2 jours, nous avons gagné un appartement de 3 chambres et un montant en espèces de 700 000$. Nos vies ont changé en une semaine et, comme le Dr Ilekhojie l’a demandé, 30 % du montant a été envoyé à n’importe quelle maison de retraite pour personnes âgées afin d’aider à payer les soins aux personnes abandonnées. Vous pouvez le contacter et voir ce qui se passe. Appelez/SMS +2348147400259 ou e-mail :

  97. Vonda White

    3 avril

    There is a big shift in the understanding that people have of what « dating apps » are for-mostly because they’re called « dating apps ». Modern dating apps are an entertainment product: a gallery of people in your area and someone will occasionally like your photos. Unfortunately some people have decided to make the dating app space unsafe for casual people who simply wishes to use the app for its primary purposes. Nowadays, when you join a dating site, there’s a 99% chance that you’re going meet these people always trying to pitch an app/ company that they claim is a more effective way to save and earn money some even go to the lengths of building a romance relationship with you first before manipulating your feelings towards investing in some sort of financial setup. I had plenty of experience with the likes of these individuals. However I later fell victim to one lady I had met on hinge her name was Tonya, I actually met up with her one time, I never knew that these crypto scammers actually operate in real life as well. She always came up with some sort of excuse whenever I suggested we met up again, I felt I didn’t make a good first impression and tried making up for that by buying into a referral program she dealt with , I invested a total of $340k within 4 months but when I insisted to see her again before going further she stopped responding to me and blocked me on all platforms. I didn’t know what to think or believe but I was sure of one thing, Tonya was a fraud. I quickly started scorching the internet for best possible means to recover sent crypto funds, this led me to a podcast where I learnt about how SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM has recovered stolen/scammed crypto assets for individuals, without further hesitation I messaged the team through their official EMAIL ADDRESS WHICH IS and asked for their help, thankfully the team successfully recovered back the 340k worth of USDT assets I sent to the company address after 48 hours and I feel so fortunate to have been able to get the right team otherwise I have no idea what could’ve become of me. You can also get in touch with them through WhatsApp on +1 786 684 0501

  98. Jin Xue

    8 avril

    I came accross this post at the perfect time while in my thankful mood, I really want to appreciate Edith and the incredible team at REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE Wassap : + 1 ( 6 5 7 ) 2 6 2 4 4 8 2″ for saving my life and giving me another chance to make the right decisions. Navigating the aftermath of falling victim to a romance scam that threatened my financial security was one of the most challenging experiences of my life. The skammer was on the verge of draining my entire savings, leaving me feeling vulnerable and distraught. Not until my coworker randomly found out the level of mess i got myself into, and referred one of her old friend « Edith » to me as she was into tech , Edith demonstrated remarkable professionalism, empathy, and determination. Her assurance was a beacon of hope in an otherwise dark situation. I was surprised at their efforts and the team’s unmatched skills, I was able to recover every single penny i lost to the skammer. This outcome was something I barely dared to hope for at the start of this journey. Beyond the financial recovery, the support I received was instrumental in helping me regain my confidence and peace of mind.REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE’s dedication to their clients and their passion for justice in the crypto space is truly commendable. It’s clear that their team are not just in the business of recovery; they’re in the business of restoring hope and dignity to those who have been wronged.To anyone finding themselves in a similar situation, feeling lost and uncertain where to turn, I will highly recommend REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE. They even offer many other tech services like hacking of phone and monitoring a partner and other similar jobs. Thank you, Edith, for everything. Your work not only recovers lost assets but also helps mend spirits shattered by deceit. I am eternally grateful. One good turn deserves another, so i will leave their contakt below just incase anybody need such good services.
    Emeil: r e f u n d p o l i c i (AT) g m a i l (DOT) c o m
    Thanks Again.

  99. frances tony

    9 avril

    I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via email… WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES. »

  100. Julia Kleven

    9 avril

    I was diagnosed of genital Herpes 6months ago and was in pain with the knowledge that there is no cure for the virus! there was a day I saw several post about a herbalist how he’s used natural herbal medicine to cure this particular virus, Immediately I contacted him on his website and he prepared and sent me the herbal medicine through DHL delivery and after 14days of usage, the Pain, and sores were gone i went to the hospital for test I’m the happiest woman on earth because I just tested negative to the virus! this testimony is real and thanks to Dr Ehiagwina you can also reach him on his Email:

  101. Cindy Cosce

    10 avril

    I came upon a post about a cryptocurrency investment platform a few months back, and at the time, I felt it would be wise to invest in cryptocurrencies. Little did I know, though, that the cryptocurrency investment manager was deceiving me by promising me enormous returns on my money. Without making any money back, I lost my $381,000 in capital plus interest. I was despondent and unsure about my next course of action. After discussing it with a co-worker, I was directed to DECODE HACKERS, a cryptocurrency recovery firm. After I gave them all the details of the scam, DECODE HACKERS got to work, I believe getting to the fraudsters’ chain or something related, and was able to get my money back in less than a day. Sincerely appreciative of their assistance, I would like to suggest to all victims out there that they should reach out for this firm’s assistance and urge anyone who has been duped by these cryptocurrency frauds to at least seek their services, you might thank me later. I will leave their email behind; at

  102. Benjamin Claude

    16 avril

    Je suis ici pour éclairer tout le monde sur les bonnes œuvres du Dr Ilekhojie. Mon ex-femme et moi avons des problèmes depuis près de 2 ans maintenant et nous avons essayé tous les conseils et discussions avec nos parents, mais rien ne fonctionnait. Nous nous disputions pour tout et la séparation était imminente jusqu’à ce que je voie une critique du Dr Ilekhojie. Je l’ai contacté et l’ai informé de mon état. Il a promis d’effectuer un rituel de réconciliation qui garantira le rétablissement du lien entre moi et ma femme. Cela fait maintenant une semaine que j’ai trié son aide et les choses commencent à s’améliorer entre moi et ma femme. Nous avons recommencé à vivre dans la même chambre et nous avons tous deux informé nos avocats de suspendre les projets de divorce. Je suis si heureux maintenant de pouvoir à nouveau profiter de ma femme. Contactez le Dr Ilekhojie si vous avez des problèmes dans votre mariage. E-mail : ou WhatsApp/Telegram +2348147400259

  103. Dalia Skirmante

    22 avril

    Après 14 ans de mariage, mon mari m’a laissé avec deux enfants, je me sentais très mal et j’ai failli me suicider parce qu’il nous a laissé sans rien. J’étais ému pendant tout ce temps parce que les enfants n’arrêtaient pas de me demander où est papa. Merci au Dr Ilekhojie que j’ai rencontré sur Facebook, qui a ramené mon mari à la maison et a rétabli la paix entre nous. Ce jour-là, en surfant sur Internet, je suis tombé sur des témoignages du Dr Ilekhojie et j’ai immédiatement ressenti le besoin de lui demander de l’aide et je suis heureux maintenant que tout se soit bien passé pour moi à la fin. Mon mari est maintenant à la maison avec mes enfants et il n’y a jamais eu autant d’amour et de joie chez moi jusqu’à présent. Vous avez des problèmes similaires, dites-le-moi car il pourra vous aider. Contactez le Dr Ilekhojie Email: ou appelez le +2348147400259

  104. Shirley Williams

    24 avril

    A very big thanks to H A C K M A V E N S C R E D I T S P E C I A L I S T for the great job they are doing. I am still surprised how they were able to erase all the negative items on my credit and raise my score to 780 plus across all 3 credit bureaus in less than 8 days. You can reach out to them on EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/Whats-App: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7] for any kind of credit fix.

  105. Jacqueline Ashley

    28 avril

    I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Oku brought back my husband that separated with me for a good 3 months. Even though I have mouths all over my body, it won’t be enough to thank Doctor Oku for his help in my life. My husband separated with me for 3 months and has been in pain and agony without him. So, I searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out, not until I meant Doctor Oku who I contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 24 to 48 hours as long as my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Oku said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him… Email: or whatsApp him +2347053113465

  106. Michele

    30 avril


    It is very important to be vigilant and carry out enough research before investing in crypto. I was among the victims of a huge crypto investment scam that saw me lose all my money. I was depressed and thought of giving up until a family friend of mine introduced me to Admin Cyber Security Service. This is a professional and reliable crypto recovery company with many years of experience in the recovery business. Admin Cyber Security Service was able to assist with the recovery of my lost crypto after I provided them with enough information about the fake investment company. I will warn future crypto investors to be extra cautious and avoid falling for any crypto scam.

    If you need the service of Admin Cyber Security Service for the recovery of your crypto, data, or stolen assets, you can reach them via the following information:


  107. Cameron Uretch

    3 mai

    J’ai été marié pendant 16 ans à une mère et une épouse aimantes. Nous avons eu 2 enfants ensemble qui ont maintenant 11 et 13 ans. J’ai repris contact avec une ancienne petite amie de l’université sur Facebook et nous avons commencé une liaison et j’ai quitté ma femme. La femme avec qui j’ai eu une liaison est une femme merveilleuse et je l’aime aussi et nos enfants ont commencé à accepter la situation et ma femme a en quelque sorte évolué, mais elle n’est pas amoureuse de l’homme qu’elle voit. Je pensais que je n’étais plus amoureux de ma femme et je me sentais très mal à cause de ce que je lui avais fait. C’est une bonne femme et je ne sais pas ce qui m’a pris. J’ai décidé d’essayer de la récupérer et on m’a recommandé au Dr Ilekhojie de m’aider à retrouver ma femme et dans les 48 heures après avoir pris contact avec le Dr Ilekhojie, ma femme a décidé d’arranger les choses avec moi et maintenant nous sommes de nouveau ensemble. avec nos enfants vivant comme une seule famille heureuse. Je ne connais vraiment pas les mots à utiliser pour apprécier ce que le Dr Ilekhojie a fait pour moi, mais je dirai merci, monsieur, d’avoir réuni ma famille et moi-même. Pour ceux qui traversent des moments difficiles avec leur mariage ou leur relation, vous pouvez WhatsApp Dr Ilekhojie pour obtenir de l’aide avec ce numéro +2348147400259 ou vous pouvez lui envoyer un e-mail à

  108. Cameron Uretch

    3 mai

    J’ai été marié pendant 16 ans à une mère et une épouse aimantes. Nous avons eu 2 enfants ensemble qui ont maintenant 11 et 13 ans. J’ai repris contact avec une ancienne petite amie de l’université sur Facebook et nous avons commencé une liaison et j’ai quitté ma femme. La femme avec qui j’ai eu une liaison est une femme merveilleuse et je l’aime aussi et nos enfants ont commencé à accepter la situation et ma femme a en quelque sorte évolué, mais elle n’est pas amoureuse de l’homme qu’elle voit. Je pensais que je n’étais plus amoureux de ma femme et je me sentais très mal à cause de ce que je lui avais fait. C’est une bonne femme et je ne sais pas ce qui m’a pris. J’ai décidé d’essayer de la récupérer et on m’a recommandé au Dr Ilekhojie de m’aider à retrouver ma femme et dans les 48 heures après avoir pris contact avec le Dr Ilekhojie, ma femme a décidé d’arranger les choses avec moi et maintenant nous sommes de nouveau ensemble. avec nos enfants vivant comme une seule famille heureuse. Je ne connais vraiment pas les mots à utiliser pour apprécier ce que le Dr Ilekhojie a fait pour moi, mais je dirai merci, monsieur, d’avoir réuni ma famille et moi-même. Pour ceux qui traversent des moments difficiles avec leur mariage ou leur relation, vous pouvez WhatsApp Dr Ilekhojie pour obtenir de l’aide avec ce numéro +2348147400259 ou vous pouvez lui envoyer un e-mail à

  109. People should be wary and careful of all these Recovery stories and companies because most of them are thieves behind the keyboard.
    I fell victim to another scam here when I searched and looked up ways to recover my stolen BITCOIN and USDT in the hands of a recovery company/hacker known as “Final Destination “ Recovery services.
    He posed and made me believe he could recover my stolen funds which after wasting my time and resources he ended up stealing more from me.
    I made a police report and luckily on my way home, Janet an officer gave me the contact of Refundd Polici Recovery Services as she made me believe they assisted in recovering fully her cousin’s USD750.000 that was lost in fake investment platform which turned out to be a ponzi.
    I contacted them immediately and unbelievably they got my whole funds back after a little back and forth because at first I had some doubts but went ahead with them because I was convinced officer Janet wouldn’t deceive nor lie to me.
    Here is the contact details of Refundd Polici Recovery Services
    WhatsApp ; ‪+1 (972) 998‑2755‬
    Email : Refunddpolici @ gmail. Com

  110. markjgalvan

    6 mai

    Buy Refined Sunflower oil 

    Green Cardamom, Cashew Nuts and others available for sale.
Payment terms TT.
Origin: Tanzania
Kindly inbox me for any enquiries or can WhatsApp me
your LOl for full quotation.
Pls no time wasters only genuine buyer send me LOl to

whatsApp: +63 967 061 8856

  111. markjgalvan

    6 mai

    We are offering icumsa 45 refined white sugar. specifications white sugar, refined white sugar, crystal white sugar 1.high quality with best price 2.factory supply 3.prompt shipment white sugar, refined white crystal sugar with best price product name: white sugar purity: 99.6%min type: refined white crystal sugar shelf life: 2 years white sugar icumsa 45 sugar is an important food.
    Packing: In 50 KG Bags
Inspection: at loading port and sellers cost,
Product: white refined beet ICUMSA 45 – conforming to the followin specidications and/or international standard specifications, fit for human consumprionCONSUMPTION

    For more information and to order contact us by email or phone.
    Check out all our contact information below.

    whatsApp: +63 967 061 8856

  112. markjgalvan

    6 mai

    Chemical Fertilizer Agriculture Grade/Technical Grade N46 Wholesale Urea.

    Urea.CO(HN2)2. also known as carbamide, is an important nitrogen fertilizer with high quality and high efficiency. Apart from its major use as a fertilizer, urea is also employed in the manufacture of paints glues. plastics paper texties. feed and weed control chemicals as well as a source of non- protein nitrogen.


    25kg,50kg ,500kg,1000kg PP bag or pallet available ,Stored in cool, dry and draughty storehouse. Kept away form fire, heat source, moisture. Avoid packing damage. when necessary should be placing the waterproof canvas.

    For more information and to order contact us by email or phone.
    Check out all our contact information below.

    whatsApp: +63 967 061 8856

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